Saturday, October 15, 2011

He is just not that into you

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And the rule is this: If a guy doesn't call you, he doesn't wanna call you.

Who established this rule? Men, women?

Women have been used as a tool since the dawn of time. They have been led to believe that they are nothing. Slowly, that thought has changed. Yet we can still see that even women themselves forget how important they are.

Are women taken for granted? Yes, all the time. When a woman says she hates other women, or when she says she only has male friends because  she cannot get along with other women; she automatically takes herself for granted. The patriarchal influence on women is so embedded in the way women construct their roles in society.

So many people want to free themselves from the social constraints that society has constructed for them. Some say they want to be free yet act the opposite. It is not easy to construct a whole new persona of independent thought. It is easier to act the part, than to be the part.

Bearing that in mind, this silent rule of not calling someone because you do not want to is nothing new. If the person is not interested in connecting there is no way to change their mind.

What people avoid is intimacy. They rather treat each other like shit than saying or doing something meaningful for someone else.


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